
definition of inertia :
The tendency of an object to remain in it's state of rest or state of motion unless acted upon by an external force.

well.i don't care if i defined it correctly or not...all i want is just to express my feelings

I'm like a gigantic ship with large inertia...
(It's not like i am very fat and cannot move easily...)
I just kinda refuse to move on and grow up.

Sometimes, i still have to remind myself
"ok, Miss Soon.You're already 17 and not a kiddie anymore!So try to be matured."

After days of trying not to throw a tantrum(i still do that>.<),hit my sister, or hide her belongings(don't laugh at me)......i always give up...

I just realized the the burden that i'm carrying is my sins
maybe i should pray more to God to ask for forgiveness
and lighten my burden in order to reduce the inertia...
and start to grow up...

I know this is weird...
but do try hard to understand


  1. 在现实的社会中,能保留自己独特的性格的人太少了,如果我们要迎合所有的人,那太累了,你和很多人不一样,有着孩子的稚气,所以你活得比较开心,社交这种东西是要常去尝试,才能变成常识,随着环境的改变,你自然会慢慢学会的,如果常时间压郁自己的性格的话,可微就不是可微咯^_^上帝赐予你这种性格一定有他的原因的,只要你敢跳出你设立给自己的小圈圈,你还是有办法认识朋友的,加油丫!!我会一直默默的为你撑腰的!
