Back from a long hiatus. Sad to say that I had never thought of coming back before now. Yes. Now.
My mind just ushered me to write something. I know I shouldn't stop thinking.
I know that I should nurture my ability to think, and not just let thoughts pass by like a gust of wind.
Yes, I do read a lot. But sometimes I noticed when we read too much from other people, without contemplating in our own, we tend to get used to that, and we're being fed with other people's ideas.
This is when blind obedience comes about.
So what I'm trying to say that, I have decided to write again. It might be reviews, It might be rantings. It might be thoughts. Anything. With or without readers. Rain or shine. Day or night.
Nothing's going to stop me ever again. Not my lame excuses, and certainly not my very negative alter ego.
I'm glad that I'm writing again, still living, still breathing, still laughing (at least in my mind)
Nice blog Sah! :)